Join us every Saturday at 12:00 PM for our Sabbath Service
Join us every Saturday at 12:00 PM for our Sabbath Service
How Birds, Bees, and Beavers take a rest on Sabbath
Strange Story
A Journey Through the Beginning
The Epic Journey of Exodus
Exploring Leviticus God's Laws and Ways.
Book of Revelation: A promise of Hope.
Short devotion on Overcoming Fear
Short devotion on Living Faith
Short devotion on the worship of Yeshua
Short devotion on being a Living Sacrofice
Short Devotion on 1John 2:15-17
Depend on Yahweh God
How do we live in today's culture?
Guidance and Forgiveness
How should we live in today's culture?
Truth of Christmas- from the Bible and History
Every Christian should watch this short video on the orgins of Halloween, in this video a question is asked to the church of Satan and the answer they gave, might surprise you.
Starting 2025 Free Popcorn and Movie at Lifetime Ministry Doors open at 2:30pm -Movie:30 starts time at 3PM for more info: / 885182863445122
You are invite to our Loving family every saturday at 12:pm for our Sabbath Service.
We invite everyone to come visit: Lifetime Ministry 2790 County Road 13 A South, Elkton Florida 32033 Service Time: 12:00 PM Saturday Live Stream at