Join us every Saturday at 12:00 PM for our Sabbath Service
Join us every Saturday at 12:00 PM for our Sabbath Service
Passover – Saturday evening April 12th– Seder/Passover Meal 7:00 pm (sunset 7:52pm) starts Holy Day (Sabbath) Unleavened Bread-
The Passover teaches us that Y’shua Messiah/Jesus Christ was sinless and, as the true Lamb of God, gave His life so that the sins of humanity could be forgiven and the death penalty removed (1 Corinthians 5:7; 1 Peter 1:18-20; Romans 3:25). Passover, although not observed as a Holy Day, is the first festival of the year.
Feast of Unleavened Bread- April 13rd to April 19th, First Fruits (Sunday April 13th)
No Leaven Bread for 7 days and We eat Unleavened Bread for 7 days. First and Last days are Holy day Sabbaths – no work (April 13th Sunday -starting at sunset on saturday) and (April 19th Saturday)
We will meet for Holy Convocation on Sunday April 13th and Saturday April 19th at 12:00 pm for Holy Day service. We bring meals like on sabbath except no leaven bread. We will meet for
First Fruits at 12PM on Sunday April 13th (some call it Resurrection Sunday)
The Feast of Unleavened Bread teaches us that we have been called to reject lawlessness and repent of sin. We are to live by every word of God and according to the teachings of Y’shua Messiah/Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 5:8; Matthew 4:4). During this festival, leaven symbolizes sin and, as such, is removed from our homes for the seven days of the festival (1 Corinthians 5:7-8; Exodus 12:19). By eating unleavened bread we picture living a life of sincerity and truth, free from sin.
Pentecost/Shavuot - Sunday June 1st (starts at sunset Saturday) Back to back sabbaths No work. We will have Shavuot/Pentecost service at 12PM on Sunday.
The Feast of Pentecost/Shavuot, teaches us that Y’shua Messiah/Jesus Christ came to build His Church. This festival pictures the coming of the Holy Spirit and the establishment of the Church. The first fruits are those who will be given salvation at the return of Christ. They have been empowered with the Holy Spirit, which creates in each one a new heart and nature to live by the commandments of God (Exodus 23:16; Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:37-39; Acts 5:32; James 1:18).
Feast of Trumpets- Sept 23 , 2025 Tuesday (Sabbath) (start ,Mon. at sunset) (blow the Shofars on Mon. at sunset- we do service on Tuesday at 12:00)
The Feast of Trumpets, also known as Yom Teruah or Rosh Hashanah, is a biblical celebration for believers in Messiah Yeshua. It marks the start of the "High Holy Days" for the fall Feast, and is observed on the first day of the seventh month in the Hebrew calendar. This feast involves the blowing of the shofar (ram's horn) and is associated with the return of Yeshua
Day of Atonement- Oct 2 , 2025 Thursday, (Sabbath).begins sunset Wed. 1st- Prayer and fasting, No workday- Service 12:00 PM (no food) Prophetic Worship and Prayer.
The Day of Atonement, also known as Yom Kippur, is a significant biblical celebration for believers in Messiah Yeshua. It is observed on the tenth day of the seventh month in the Hebrew calendar. This day is marked by prayer, fasting, and repentance, and it is considered the holiest day of the year. Believers seek atonement and reconciliation with God through introspection and repentance.
Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot- Oct 7 - 14 ,2025 Both holy Days are on Tuesday. 7th and 14th. We will get together each day for devotion, fellowship and feast together.
Both tuesday's High Holy day's we will meet at 12:00pm. Every otherday we are meeting for dinner at 6:30 and devotion.
The Feast of Tabernacles, also known as Sukkot, is a biblical celebration for believers in Messiah Yeshua. It is observed from the 15th to the 22nd day of the seventh month in the Hebrew calendar. This feast involves dwelling in temporary shelters (sukkot) to commemorate the Israelites' journey in the wilderness. It is a time of joy, thanksgiving, and fellowship. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is associated with the Sabbath and the Millennial Kingdom. During this feast, the first and last days are considered High Holy Days, which are treated as Sabbaths with no customary work being done. The Feast of Tabernacles also symbolizes the future Millennial Kingdom, where believers will dwell with Messiah Yeshua in peace and joy
click to download/Print Spring Feast
Spring Feast 2024 (pdf)